Ways to help

The Trish Foundation is making a significant contribution to MS research in Australia. This would not have been possible without the generous support we have been privileged to receive.

We would really value your support in assisting us continue our research so that Freedom from MS becomes a reality.

The Foundation is totally staffed by dedicated volunteers and every dollar raised is placed into research to pursue our goal of finding a cure or preventive strategy for multiple sclerosis.  The Directors of the Foundation cover the administrative expenses.

The Foundation works very closely with MS scientists across Australia in pursuit of our goal.

Please support the Trish Multiple Sclerosis Research Foundation and assist us save the suffering and uncertainty caused by this disease.

We would very much appreciate your support in any of the following ways.


Donations to the Foundation of $2 and over are tax deductible (DGR 900490691). Upon receipt of a donation by any of the below methods, the Foundation’s official receipt for taxation purposes will be mailed to you. There are many ways to donate and we invite you to select your donation method below:


If you wish to set up a monthly credit card donation please contact Carol Langsford on 0410 410491.

All our systems are encoded with 128-bit SSL encryption. This ensures that all data, including usernames, passwords, credit card numbers and reports, are protected by industry standard security.

By Phone

Please call Carol Langsford on 0410 410491 and have your credit card details on hand to donate over the telephone.

By Post

Download printable donation form and post to: Trish Multiple Sclerosis Research Foundation, PO Box 511, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.

Donation form for posting donations

Translational Research Project Grants

If you would like to make a donation towards a Translational Research Project Grant which will commence January 2026, please inform the Foundation when making your donation.

The Translational Research Project Grants, to be announced before the end of 2025, will be awarded to Australian researchers undertaking high-quality translational MS research which demonstrates clear evidence of translational research capacity and is aimed to address the unmet needs of people living with Progressive MS.


Would you be prepared to make a contribution to finding a cure for multiple sclerosis?

“I am sorry to have to tell you that you have multiple sclerosis.”

Those words are heard coming from the lips of doctors across Australia and the world every day. There are over 2.5 million people world-wide living with multiple sclerosis.

Being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis is usually a frightening and devastating experience which threatens to disrupt people’s lives in very unpredictable ways. Diagnosis of MS can invoke a range of feelings which may include disbelief, resentment, fear, anger, panic, depression, grief, a sense of loss. It is a fact of life that enormous pressures bear down on people with disabilities and their families.

When writing your Will would you please give consideration to making a Bequest to the Trish Multiple Sclerosis Research Foundation. Your generosity and caring will contribute greatly to the pursuit of a cure or preventive strategy for multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis is a devastating disease because people live with its unpredictable physical and emotional effects for the rest of their lives. Please help us find a cure to save the suffering this disease inflicts on people.


Thank you for considering making a bequest in support of the Foundation. We do appreciate your interest in the Trish Multiple Sclerosis Research Foundation.

A very high percentage of Australians die without leaving a Will which invariably causes distress and confusion to those they leave behind. It is therefore important to leave a valid and up-to-date Will.

Have you, your loved ones or any of your friends been touched by multiple sclerosis?

The Trish Multiple Sclerosis Research Foundation would be very grateful for any consideration made by way of a bequest to the Foundation, which has the specific aim of finding a cure or preventive strategy for multiple sclerosis.

Any legacy or gift you leave will most definitely ‘make a difference’ because the Foundation is staffed by volunteers and every dollar raised by the Foundation is placed into research.

The importance of making a Will

The only way to ensure your wishes will be carried out after you pass away is to detail your wishes in a legal Will.

You may have made promises during your lifetime which cannot be carried out because they may not be enforceable by law.

If a person dies without leaving a Will, it is the family who usually suffers. Independent legal advice is essential to ensure the validity of a Will and any bequests.

Leaving a bequest or legacy to charity is a personal decision and often occurs because the work of a charitable organisation has had an impact on a person’s life or the life of their loved ones.

The generosity of people in making a bequest to the Trish Multiple Sclerosis Research Foundation will greatly benefit research funded by the Foundation.

Those whose lives have been touched by this disease and others who recognise and applaud the significant contribution made by the Foundation in the pursuit of a cure or preventive strategy for multiple sclerosis may wish to consider leaving a legacy to the Foundation in their Wills.


Work-place Giving

Please consider having an amount regularly deducted from your salary and donated to the Foundation. No amount is too small to make a difference.

Host your own Fundraising Event on behalf of the Foundation

Please contact us and let us know if you have any ideas for fund raising events to assist the Foundation. All events held on behalf of the Foundation must have Foundation approval.

Attend a Fundraising Function

Please see our News and Events page for further details.

Sponsor a Fundraising Event

Please see our News and Events page for details.

To fundraise in a variety of other ways


If you are able volunteer your time to the Foundation please contact Carol Langsford on 0410 410491.

Pro Bono Support

If you are able to offer Pro Bono Support or any ‘In Kind’ Support, the Foundation would be most grateful. Please contact Carol Langsford on 0410 410491.