PrevANZ Update
The Trish MS Research Foundation contributed $200,000 to the world-first vitamin D MS Prevention Trial, PrevANZ.
This study aims to see whether vitamin D supplementation can delay the onset of MS. In this gold standard double-blind placebo-controlled trial, people who had experienced their first MS-like episode and were diagnosed with CIS (clinically isolated syndrome) were recruited. They were then randomised into different groups, given either a mock treatment (placebo) or different doses of vitamin D and then observed for 12 months.
202 people were enrolled in the trial, and the last participant has just finished the 12-month observation period. Statisticians and clinicians are now busy compiling the results, and we look forward to the release of the results in Mid-2021.
A team of clinicians and researchers from Australia and New Zealand, with expertise in MS neurology, MS clinical trials, endocrinology and epidemiology was assembled to oversee the trial. The trial has been coordinated by MS Research Australia, with contributions from the MS Society of WA, the Trish MS Research Foundation, MS Queensland, Foundation 5 Million+, the John T Reid Trust and the MS Society of Tasmania.