Jack Vidgen’s Awesome Support

You are a star Jack Vidgen!  What an awesome achievement!  The Trish MS Research Foundation’s volunteer team is very honoured and incredibly grateful to you for choosing to dedicate your success on Australian Ninja Warrior Celebrities to the Foundation.  Your impressive win has given our funds for MS Research a significant boost.

Every dollar will go to high-quality MS Research Projects.  THANK YOU!

Extremely generous support – THANK YOU

The Trish MS Research Foundation has received significant, very valued, exceptionally generous support from The Lady Fairfax Charitable Trust, The Woodend Foundation and the Bill Gilmour Tennis Foundation.

The Foundation’s team of volunteers is deeply grateful to the Trustees of The Lady Fairfax Charitable Trust, the Directors of The Woodend Foundation and Bill and Fay Gilmour for your substantial contributions to our funds for important MS Research Projects.