… to the Trish Foundation’s big-hearted, very generous Sponsors, donors and supporters for contributing to the over $5.7 million raised for important MS research projects.
… to the Foundation’s Joint Patrons, Hon Dr Brendan Nelson and Hon Barry O’Farrell, who have significantly supported the Foundation since inception. Hon Barry O’Farrell has since resigned, having been appointed High Commissioner for India.
… to the Foundation’s honorary Auditor since inception, Peter Done, who has now retired and to Brett Mitchell who has undertaken the important role of honorary Auditor of the Foundation.
… to inaugural Directors of the Trish Foundation, Professor Peter Russell and Gail Russell for your very significant contribution to the Foundation and to the funds raised for research. Professor Russell has also been a member of the Foundation’s honorary Scientific Research Committee since inception and continues to serve in this role.
… to the Foundation’s honorary Scientific Research Committee, Professor John Pollard, Professor Peter Russell, Professor Michael Barnett and Dr Jennifer Massey, as well as recently retired Dr Emily Mathey.
… to Emeritus Professor James McLeod and Dr John Walsh who have retired from the Foundation’s honorary Scientific Research Committee, having served in this important role since inception.
… to the late David Dodd, founding Director of the Trish Foundation and dear friend, for your personal generosity and your significant and outstanding contribution to the Foundation.
… to the Foundation’s Directors Jenny Comanos, Wendy Dodd, Niall King OAM, John Roberts, Joshua True, Jeremy Wright, Roy Langsford OAM and Carol Langsford OAM and to all the volunteers who have so generously given their time to our cause since inception, including particularly the members of the various sub-committees.
… to former Directors, Sue Woodward, Kaye Dening AM, Kathryn Smith, Jackson Hills and Phil Newman.
… to our very valued ‘Team Trish’ volunteers, our honorary Board of Directors, our Ball Committee, our Bar/Trivia Committee and all the volunteers who work so hard at our fundraisers.
… to long-time very generous Trish Foundation volunteer and supporter, Daniel Farrar for designing, building and maintaining the Foundation’s new website.
… to Jason Wang, Volvo Brand Manager, Volvo Cars Sydney, Parramatta and Rushcutters Bay for your extraordinarily generous support, donating the pro bono use of an XC60 T5 Inscription to the Foundation’s Founders, Roy and Carol Langsford.
… to the Directors of The Woodend Foundation, to the Trustees of The Lady Fairfax Charitable Trust, to Bill and Fay Gilmour, Gilmour Foundation and with appreciation to Michael Phillips, Phillips Family Office, to Future Generation Investment Company.
… to Niall King OAM for conducting fourteen Golf Days and Dinners dedicated to the Trish Foundation and raising over $500,000 for the Foundation’s Research Projects.
… to Allan and Marian Caswell for writing their beautiful Song for Trish, Brave Enough to Dream.
… to Lisa Burling, LBPR for continuing to give her time and expertise to provide pro bono PR services to the Trish Foundation.
… to Leigh Sales, journalist and author and the host of the ABC’s 7.30 for giving her time and expertise to MC The Trish Balls in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
… to Mia Polykarpou who lost her brave battle with MS and has bequeathed very valuable, substantial funds to the Trish Foundation in her will and to Mia’s Executor Paul Russell for honouring the Foundation in this significant way.
… to the late Joan Goff for honouring the Foundation with a significant bequest and as well, to Joan and to the late Phyllis Evans for very generously supporting the Foundation since inception.
… to Andrew Dagger for conducting his Kiss Goodbye to MS Cocktail Nights and for his extraordinary generosity.
… to Bill Shaw, Hyland Express Digital Print for your pro bono printing support.
… to Paul, Michael and Carly Chalker for asking for donations to the Foundation instead of presents for Dianne Chalker’s surprise 70th birthday party and for the continuing very generous support of Gladesville Guitar Factory.
… to Trish’s uncle, Graham Easy and his family for requesting donations to the Trish Foundation for his 70th birthday.
… to the Rotary Club of Port Macquarie West for holding a Bunnings sausage sizzle and for generously supporting the Foundation.
… to Jimmy and Monique Ashner, Ash’s IGA Xpress Collaroy Beach for displaying a collection tin in their store, creating awareness and raising funds for our research and to Colin and Vicki Turner who have continued this very valued support.
… to Jim Granger, The Lane Sydney for hosting our Kiss Goodbye to MS Bar Nights and to Bree Calderwood and John Ganderton for conducting the event, as well as the additional volunteers who have contributed to the event.
… to Libby Gray, supported by Margie Burling and Lisa Burling, for conducting the Kiss Goodbye to MS Black Tie Charity Dinner.
… to The Candle Girl, Steph Nissen for her generous support.
… to Diana Ferrari for hosting their Fashionable Fundraising evenings and donating 20% of sales to the Foundation.
… to our Master of Ceremonies for The Trish Balls 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, Kieran Gilbert, Chief Political Reporter for Sky News and our Master of Ceremonies of our Balls for the prior three years, Mark Beretta, Channel 7’s Sunrise
… to Hilton Sydney and Staging Connections (now Encore) who continue to make major and generous contributions to The Trish Ball each year.
… to Jim Granger, The Lane Sydney and your staff for hosting our Kiss Goodbye to MS Bar Nights, providing great hospitality and raising funds for our research.
… to Tania Beck for organizing, on behalf of the Foundation, her very successful Barefoot Bowling and Trivia Night for four years and to Stephanie Taylor, Amanda Rensford and Anine Leakey who assisted with the organization of the event in 2010. Thank you also to Tania for dedicating the Raffle at Moore Park Golf Club on International Women’s Day, 8th March 2019, to the Trish Foundation.
… to Trivia Master Bill Gilbert who has made such a tremendous contribution to the success of the Barefoot Bowling and Trivia Nights and who has significantly supported the Foundation since inception, including being Master of Ceremonies at the Golf Day and Dinner, the Balcony Bar Fundraiser and our early Annual Gala Dinners, commencing at Curzon Hall in 2001.
… to Niall King, Ray Wilson, Les Hockley and the Rotary Club of Strathfield for their very significant support and to long time generous supporter Geoff Thoroughgood for contributing to the organisation of the Golf Days and Dinners.
… to Joanna Betteridge for building and maintaining the Foundation’s website since inception, generously giving countless hours and considerable expertise to the Foundation.
… to each and every wonderful supporter and the very generous donors who have contributed to the success of our events since inception and to the funds raised for research.
… to Craig Marshall, Savills Cordeau Marshall Gordon for being our valued honorary Auctioneer since inception and for your tremendous support again on Australia Day, raising funds and creating great awareness at the Australia Day Bi-Centennial Park West Pymble celebrations.
… to Andrew Mason who has also been honorary Auctioneer at our Balls in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
… to Andrew Wills, Wills Brand Design and Sue Woodward, Blue Print Advisory for your pro bono professional contribution in re-branding the Foundation.
… to Richard Ferguson, Bertram Printing for your generous and professional contribution in attending to the Foundation’s printing requirements since inception.
… to long-term extraordinarily generous supporters Singapore Airlines, DMC Digital, Waldorf Apartment Hotel Group, Red Hill Estate, Cheviot Wine Group, Pacific Hotel Cairns and The Swanston Hotel Grand Mercure Melbourne.
… to very generous supporters Bayer HealthCare, CMS Consulting, Merck, Arbel Investment, Australian Racing Drivers’ Club, Genzyme and Turramurra Community Bank Branch Bendigo Bank.
… to Sydney Cricket Association Women’s Competition Sub-Committee, particularly past President Jessica Henry, and current President Stirling Hamman, for continuing to dedicate the proceeds of the raffle at the Premier’s Dinner to the Trish Foundation and also to the Committee and Harry Solomons, Kingsgrove Sports Centre and Cricket NSW who donate the prizes for the raffle. Thank you also to the generous people who purchase raffle tickets.
… to Northern District Cricket Club, President Michael Langford and the Committee for your generous support and for inviting Roy and Carol Langsford to present the trophy named after Trish.
… to Scott Reibelt, Parramatta Women’s Cricket Club President for “keeping the girls grounded” and encouraging them to give a great deal of themselves to two charities, the Trish Foundation being the very grateful recipient of the Club’s generous, tremendous support.
… To Kerry Dock and Stewart Whicker for dedicating your Expo Tennis Days to the Trish Foundation.
… to Tara, Rebecca, Amber, Jessica and Liz, Noir Events, William Blue College of Hospitality Management for dedicating Fly High to MS to the Trish Foundation and raising funds for our research.
… to the Fitzhenry and McMahon families for conducting a special fundraiser inspired by the late Glen McMahon.
… to Ros Jamieson for participating in The World’s Greatest Shave and donating half the proceeds to the Trish Foundation.
… to Mark and Tania Soulos who led Team Trish MS in the 2010 Gong Ride and to David Purdue, Christopher Barrett, Sue New, Kirby Parsonage, Rod Matthews, Dale Matthews, Cameron Honey, Stephen Dunlevy and Board member Sue Woodward, who joined Mark and Tania in raising significant funds for our research.
… to Breanne Batten and Caz Zuluaga for riding your bikes from Melbourne to Sydney and dedicating your inspirational ride to the Foundation.
… to Cindy Dock, Bree Calderwood, Sue Woodward, John Ganderton and Troy and Suzannah McDonald, The Balcony Bar for holding special fundraisers dedicated to the Foundation.
… to Matthew Conway for your professional contribution since inception and for each year designing pro bono your unique Christmas cards for the Foundation.
… to UK resident Joseph Kennedy for dedicating your run the Snowdonia Marathon to the Trish Foundation. Of all the charities on the world-wide web, Joseph’s friend, who has been diagnosed with MS, chose to support ‘Trish’.
… to long-time supporter Bobby Barter for promoting and supporting the Foundation with the launch of your unique book, SCG tales of the greats in Australian cricket, ‘Behind the Green Door’ and as well, for compiling your ‘Book for Trish, her star forever twinkles’.
… to Michelle Bowden, Author, Certified Speaking Professional, Corporate Trainer, a nomination for the 2009 Educator Award for Excellence and an expert in Advanced Presentation and Influencing Skills, who kindly donated a place in her Influential Presentation Skills Course to the Foundation’s Chairman, Carol Langsford and also, having been chosen to participate in the national Australian Institute of Management Great Debate in Canberra, generously selected the Trish Foundation as her chosen charity, raising great awareness and significant funds for our research.
… to Richard Batterley for dedicating the opening of ‘Captured Lights Collection of Photographs’ Exhibition to the Trish Foundation, raising funds and great awareness of our cause.
… to Vanessa and Matt Thompson, Roseville Tennis Coaching for boosting our funds for research and dedicating your Christmas party to the Foundation again.
… to Jo Hunter who has established Photobook Me and adopted the Trish Foundation as her chosen charity, establishing a link from Photobook Me’s website.
… to Tess Osborne who organized the inaugural West Pymble Sustainable Community Market. Stall holders gave a donation to the Trish Foundation for the privilege of being involved, many donations were received and the Trish Foundation was promoted at West Pymble Shopping Village, providing priceless exposure for MS research.
… to Mike Toten who dedicates his ‘Aces’ initiative to the Trish Foundation each year, setting new records and boosting our funds for research.
… to John Shortle, David Dodd, Sue Loxley, David Steenbhom, Margaret Walker, Gillian Steenbhom and Bob Allison for your selfless support in dedicating your birthday milestones to the Trish Foundation, requesting donations to the Foundation in lieu of presents. Thank you very much also to your very generous families and friends for their generous support.
… to Jedo’s Beach House for supporting the Foundation by wrapping its customers’ purchases and asking for a donation in return. Store owners Nell and David Laime said it is their absolute pleasure to assist. The vision of their business is to “share the magic and romance of living by the sea”.
… to Belinda Nicolson for dedicating your Memorable Challenge to the Trish Foundation, raising funds for our research. As was the case with Tania Beck, Belinda’s Memorable Challenge will involve community work in Nepal, benefiting Nepalese people.
… to Libby Gray for organizing a luncheon in Wollongong, raising funds for our research and also to the generous supporters who donated items for the raffle and those who purchased raffle tickets.
… Lorna Thomas MBE has given selfless support to the Trish Foundation, dedicating her 90th birthday celebration to the Foundation, raising considerable funds for our research. Lorna, a Life Member of Cricket Australia, managed countless NSW and Australian women’s cricket teams.